Dear students,University of Ostrava is ready to assist you in grave situation. If you need any help, comfort, council or assistance – social, psychological or in legal matters – contact us Do not hesitate to address us with any problem. We are here for You!
Magdaléna Divínová – Counseling and Career Centre of University of Ostrava
Email us at any time:
Call on weekdays 9 am to 3 pm: 00420 553 46 1343
Are you a student or applicant for study at the University of Ostrava and are you dealing with matters related to your studies?
Regional Assistance Center for Assistance to Ukraine (KACPU)
From 01.03.2022 KACPU operates in Ostrava. It is located in the Czech Red Cross building on Red Cross Street near Republic Square. The activities of the KACPU are primarily coordinated by the Fire and Rescue Service of the Moravian-Silesian Region. The Ministry of the Interior also participates in the activities through the Police of the Czech Republic and employees of the Aliens Police. The necessary assistance is also provided in KACPU by employees of the CRC and other organizations and institutions. In KACPU, the necessary administrative steps will be taken to receive refugees – processing a visa for the purpose of tolerance, processing health insurance, etc. Humanitarian aid, psychosocial assistance and accommodation coordination will also be provided to refugees . KACPUs are gradually being established in all regional cities.KACPU operation is non -stop 24/7 . Information about KACPU is available, for example, on the websites of the Czech News Agency , the Ministry of the Interior and the Czech Red Cross .
Do you or your loved ones need accommodation in the Czech Republic?
For the current offer of accommodation capacities of the dormitories of the University of Ostrava for Ukrainian students, or their loved ones, contact the head of the dormitory operation . For emergency assistance with accommodation, also contact the Organization for Aid to Refugees in Ostrava .
Do your loved ones need information about the possibilities of staying in the Czech Republic?
All necessary information regarding the possibility of arrival in the Czech Republic and the conditions of stay, including conditions for employment, can be found on the following pages of the Ministry of the Interior:
Free transportation for citizens of Ukraine
From 9 March 2022, citizens of Ukraine and their children will be provided with free travel on public transport in the Moravian-Silesian Region, which are part of the Integrated Transport System ODIS. Free transport applies to persons proving Ukrainian identity documents (ie passport, identity card or border guide with a visa sticker) and accompanied children.
Visa for the purpose of enduring a stay in the territory
Visa-free travel to the Czech Republic from Ukraine is only possible if the person has a valid passport with biometric data . The foreigner must report such a stay to the Aliens Police within 3 days of his arrival. The length of such a stay may not exceed 90 days.
In other cases, and if the expected length of stay exceeds 90 days, citizens of Ukraine will , according to the Ministry of the Interior, be issued a visa in order to endure their stay in the territory . Persons can apply for a visa individually at the relevant offices of the Ministry of the Interior. There are two such workplaces in the Moravian-Silesian Region – contacts on the website of the Ministry of the Interior of the Czech Republic . Ukrainian citizens who have now arrived in the Czech Republic can also use the contact at KACPU, where there are employees of the Ministry of the Interior, who will help them process the visa.
Do you want to get more involved in student life at the University of Ostrava
Join the organization of cultural and charitable events, join student associations of interest, become members of the student editorial staff of the university online magazine OU @ live and write in Czech or English. Just let us know at .
You can also find help outside the university:
Did you not find a solution to your situation in the offer? Contact us at or by phone on weekdays from 9.00 am to 3.00 pm on the number 00420 553 46 1343. We will arrange your help individually. We are here for you!
How to talk to people affected by the war
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Minor children (persons under 18)
Parents act on behalf of the children. If the child is unaccompanied, it is necessary to notify the OSPOD according to the actual stay of the child. OSPOD follows the MLSA methodology. Information about an unaccompanied child in the territory of Ostrava must be communicated by e-mail to Mgr. Radka Miturová from OSVZ MMO.
Contact persons for the performance of social and legal protection of children and social work
OSPOD – Mgr. Radka Miturová, , kl. 43824, mobile 734692813
Social work – Lukáš Drlík, DiS., , kl. 43863, mobile 603556534
Possibilities of financial security for students from Ukraine and Russia, who found themselves without financial security as a result of the war.
Employees of the Labor Office of the Czech Republic recommend that a social worker accompany the student in this matter. Due to the territorial division of the statutory city of Ostrava, turn to the social workers of the IMO according to the actual stay of the student. The contact list can be found in the appendix. The list of contact workplaces of the Labor Office of the Czech Republic, Department of Material Need, including the division of local jurisdiction, can be found in the appendix. We also recommend student support in negotiations with the Labor Office of the Czech Republic through a social worker of the IMOb. It is still possible to use the stocks of the Food Bank in Ostrava to ensure the basic needs of foreign students. I believe this information will help address the security needs of students.
If you need further information, you can contact the social work coordinator Lukáš Drlík, DiS., Tel. 599 443 868, .
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Are you a student at our university in acute financial distress? Your scholarship is running out, your family cannot support you from home, have you lost your source of income in Ukraine?
We are preparing special scholarship programs for Ukrainian students in financial need. Contact the study department of your faculty for more information.
Both Ukrainian and non-Ukrainian students affected by the war, who need the necessary help to overcome a difficult situation, can apply to the Labor Office of the Czech Republic for one of the benefits of emergency immediate assistance. Applications are assessed individually. For more information and assistance, write to .
Non – insurance social benefits
Information for citizens of Ukraine is available in Ukrainian on the portal of the Labor Office of the Czech Republic .
Visa holders are entitled to entitlement to benefits in material need . They can apply for an emergency benefit, a living allowance and a housing supplement. The Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs recommended that the General Directorate of the Ministry of the Interior of the Czech Republic resolve the situation primarily with an ILO benefit until the subsistence allowance and housing supplement are paid. In justified cases, it is possible to provide the ILO benefit to persons who have not yet been granted a visa.
The condition of permanent residence in the Czech Republic is decisive for state social support benefits . In justified cases, this condition can be waived. This option will be used mainly for housing allowance benefit in the event that incoming citizens of Ukraine get into the existing group of jointly assessed persons.
Employment of people from Ukraine
Persons who will be granted a visa have access to the Czech labor market . However, it is necessary for them to apply to the Labor Office of the Czech Republic for a work permit . More information is available on the MLSA website , even in Ukrainian.
Do you need a part-time job for yourself or find a job for your loved ones?
If you are a full-time student and have a residence permit to study, you can work legally. If not, you must have a work permit. You must come to the OAMP (Department of Asylum and Migration Policy) – the branch in our region is located here – during special hours and apply for a special long-term visa. Then it is necessary to agree with the employer and obtain a work permit from the Labor Office . You can find more information here .
In the job offer on the university portal JobTeaser, you will also find job offers for students who do not speak Czech fluently. The University of Ostrava is preparing an offer of academic and non-academic positions at the University of Ostrava. Keep an eye on these pages, where we will publish more information in the coming days.
Health insurance
At the moment the visa is issued for the purpose of tolerance, the visa holder participates in the public health insurance system , becoming a so-called state insured. He automatically becomes an insured person at Všeobecná zdravotní pojišťovna .
In the case of persons who arrive individually and do not use the assistance of KACPU or other helping organizations, it is necessary for these persons to come in person to any VZP client center , according to the information of the Ministry of Health within about 5 days.
However, urgent health care is also provided to those who have not yet been granted a visa. This care is provided by teaching hospitals. More information on the website of the Ministry of Health .